MKEHomes by Tyler Kristopeit

Radically Inclusive.

About my Personal Mission for more Equitable Housing in Greater Milwaukee.

What is Fair Housing?

Federal, State and Local Fair Housing and Anti-Discrimination laws protect consumers from housing discrimination. It is unlawful to discriminate based on certain protected characteristics which include (but are not limited to): race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, military status, sex, age, disability, marital status, lawful source of income or familial status.

My Personal Mission for more Equitable Housing

"Under all is the land. Upon its wise utilization and widely allocated ownership depend the survival and growth of free institutions and of our civilization. "
from the Preamble of the REALTOR Code of Ethics

These words from the REALTOR Code of Ethics - which is one of the oldest professional ethical code documents in existence - speak to the profound importance of the work my colleagues and I are engaged in. The land, in so many ways, is a great equalizer - we all sit on top of it, after all. This speaks to both the importance of access to land/housing, and equitable ownership and development patterns. Beyond that, however, it speaks to the fact that all people deserve the assistance of competent Real Estate Professionals at all levels - agents, lenders, inspectors, title representatives, lawyers, etc. - who are committed to furthering these goals.

As a REALTOR, I am committed to creating more equitable housing opportunities for all people. This means working to increase access to quality housing for low- and moderate-income families, as well as people of color and other traditionally marginalized groups. It also means working to ensure that development patterns are equitable, so that everyone has a fair chance to live in a quality home in a safe and thriving community. That is ultimately what fair housing is about: ensuring everyone has a place in our society and that our communities are made stronger through our diversity.

There is no single solution to the complex problem of creating more equitable housing opportunities. But as a REALTOR, I am committed to being part of the solution. Much of what I can do extends to my personal practice as a Real Estate Professional. What does this mean?

  • I practice Real Estate in the Greater Milwaukee area.

    I define this area as the entirety of Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington, Waukesha, and Racine Counties. On rare occasions, determined on a case-by-case basis, I will assist consumers in outlying areas and counties.

  • Within those borders, I DO NOT Discriminate.

    I assist all consumers that I am able to assist anywhere within the borders of the Counties I serve. I don't limit myself to suburbs or particular zip codes - I go wherever my clients want to be.

  • I actively seek Educational Opportunities relating to Fair Housing and related issues.

    I hold a "At Home with Diversity" Credential (AHWD) through the National Association of REALTORS, in addition to the mandatory Fair Housing Training taken by all REALTORS. Additionally, I'm a member of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council.

  • I advocate for Fair Housing and related issues.

    It isn't enough to instill these ethics in my personal Real Estate Practice. I actively seek out opportunities to engage with lawmakers and decisionmakers on issues that impact the Fair and Equitable practice of Real Estate and Housing Matters.

  • I work with Professionals who understand and care about Fair Housing like I do.

    In my interactions with my clients and customers, I am often asked to refer them to other professionals for a variety of reasons. I am connected with professionals who understand and care about Fair Housing. 

  • Most Importantly: I Listen to Understand.

    I understand that my experience is not the only experience and that my worldview isn't the only worldview. When I am assisting consumers, I take care to learn about them as an individual. This helps me provide the best possible service, and connect them with the resources they need to not just find their place in Greater Milwaukee - but to feel completely at home here.

What are the Federally and State Protected Classes?

The federal Fair Housing Act and the Wisconsin Open Housing Law make it illegal to discriminate in housing based on the following protected classes:

A person’s race or the race of persons with whom one associates.

A person’s skin color.

A person’s sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Harassment or intimidation based on sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation are also prohibited.

The country of one’s birth and/or the nationality of one’s ancestors.

A person’s religious beliefs or denominational affiliation.

A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Household composition, including the presence of children.

Persons 18 years of age and older.

Married, single, divorced, widowed or separated.

A person’s legal means of income, including such subsidized forms as Social Security, Food Stamps, Unemployment Compensation, etc.

Heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality.

Persons who have been or are victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking.

Let's Get Local: What are the ADDITIONAL protected classes in the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County?

Milwaukee City and County also have additional Protected classes, as determined by laws enacted by their Governments. Since I'm privileged to work in so many wonderful communities and 5 counties, I'm outlining the Protected Classes in the Largest City and County; please consult with your local government to see if there are any additional protected classes where you live!

Gender identity, appearance, expression, or behavior of an individual, regardless of the individual’s assigned sex at birth.

Past or present membership in the military. (City of Milwaukee only)

Having status in a domestic partnership. (Milwaukee County only)

Genetic information unique to an individual, including results of genetic tests. (City of Milwaukee only)

The status of lacking housing including being a resident of transitional housing or a supervised temporary living facility. (City of Milwaukee only)

Any form of financial contribution from a third party, including but not limited to housing choice vouchers, commonly known as Section 8. (Milwaukee County only)